Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Taking Care of Finance Accounting and Bookkeeping Services

“Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result in misery.”

The above quote by Charles Dickens very well describes what can be the consequences of mismanagement in the finance domain of business.

Finances, if sidelined or mishandled may result in adverse repercussions. They have the ability to either make or break a business.

Knowing this, business owners still shrug off shoulders when asked about their financial health. No one wants to get their hands dirty in what’s known as the most dreadful task in business.

Finance Accounting and Bookkeeping Services

Outsourced finance accounting and bookkeeping services help business owners in handling every task with ease. From helping them raise the revenue levels to improve the overall business productivity is what makes them the best choice for businesses of all sizes.

While some business owners may think of doing the books by incorporating an in-house team of bookkeepers and assigning them the additional duties of an accountant, it will do nothing more than inviting unnecessary problems for the business itself. Executing finance accounting and bookkeeping services requires great expertise and knowledge in finances, which is found rare – the bitter truth.

An accountant may boast of his abilities based on his qualifications, but in reality, all he would be doing is inviting penalties and unwanted audits from the IRS. And, we hope you know about the adverse effects it has on a business.

Compatibility with technology is another important thing. A person having no knowledge of the latest trends in accounting technology would no longer serve profitable services. Having technology support comes as a boon. Businesses are able to make sound financial decisions and analyze their record of accomplishment to form effective business planning. Forecasting revenue becomes easier and all that a business makes is profit!

In essence, outsourced finance accounting and bookkeeping services come with many benefits that may actually help businesses achieve those long-sought goals in a much easier way.

Finance Accounting and Bookkeeping Services

Another thing that business owners face is the overwhelming workload of responsibilities. There is so much information to take care of. Now, one may think that more information would grant them the ability to track chaotic and complex business decisions faster but, the truth is actually something else. So much information causes a condition which we call “Analysis Paralysis”. This occurs when the fear of making the wrong decision leads to indecisiveness. One may also call it being apprehensive, but paralysis seems much better.

Decision making in the chaotic and complex financial accounting and bookkeeping services domain is indeed exciting but certainly not for amateurs in the finance industry.

If you would like to be able to make this decision-making process comfortable, please visit our website We at Bikham Finance are dedicated to helping a business grow their bottom line by actually improving their business operations.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Expert Bookkeeping to get your Business to the next level

One might feel bookkeeping as one dreadful job, as it hogs a lot of your valuable time. And, this is the case with many business owners. I’m sure you would not want to feel the same way. So, here are some simple steps you can follow to save time and ensure profitable bookkeeping.

Go paperless

Many business owners may or may not be experts in bookkeeping. They might find themselves frantically in search for that bill they know they kept somewhere.
This most daunting task of maintaining papers that are important during audits can be avoided by eliminating the paperwork and replacing it with paperless solutions. Electronic receipts are available for almost all the transactions we make nowadays.
These receipts can be scanned and a soft copy can be maintained in a PC or using cloud storage as well. This will grant you anytime access to this information and will save the time you spend on searching.

Outsourced Bookkeeping for Accountants

Separating personal from business bank accounts

Maintaining a single bank account for both personal and business use will consume so much of your precious time. This is because you will have to search through the statement to categorize transactions. And this is one of the most common mistakes that most people do.
More often than not, they do not realize that they are wasting a colossal amount of time categorizing each transaction.
Moreover, maintaining separate bank accounts for business and personal use also comes with other perks:
• You will be aware of how well your business is doing
• You will better manage your expenditures and start saving

Incorporating Technology

Technology plays a very important part in the day to day lives of human beings. So, why not just deploy it for bookkeeping?
Invoicing can be automated and invoices so generated can be easily emailed or printed. The same thing can be fed into the accounting system as well. The data entry work will be reduced and you will be much able to keep a track of all the invoices. There will be no way you miss out on invoices, which is money.

Outsourced Accounting for Accountants

Outsourced bookkeeping for accountants

We know, bookkeeping is a hectic job that requires a lot of time and effort, plus any mistakes are a big NO-NO. With outsourced bookkeeping for accountants, you will come to know that you have so much more time left to focus on the core aspects of your business. You can work on acquiring new clients and attracting new business. Outsourced bookkeeping for accountants is also one of the best ways to reduce business costs as it requires an expert accountant to work on your accounts on a full-time basis.